Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Multiply Blessings with QFCC

I grow up hearing elders say, “The more you give, the more you receive.” Who would not want that anyway? Everybody wants to be blessed, likes to receive a lot, and loves to become rich. We are talking here of material blessings.

Are you familiar with tithing? Have you heard of friends who tithe? If this is the first time that you have heard about it, let me introduce tithing to you. It’s the act of giving a percentage of your monthly income to the Lord. Famous evangelizer Bo. Sanchez in his book, “Formula of Success” shares the “10-20-70” formula. That means, 10 percent shall go to the house of God, 20 percent shall be for your investment ventures and the remaining 70 percent will be spent for your expenses. It is even discussed in the book which amount should be followed by the formula: gross or net income.

Interestingly, also in that book Bro. Bo tackles about giving to charity. According to him, aside from his regular tithes, he also allocates a separate amount for charity. In short, tithes and donation to charity are two different mammals. Well, if you really want to be blessed with more, then you give more. Now, maybe you are mentally screaming: oh that’s too much!  I say it’s not impossible, because I’ve known people who hear mass and choose to give coins during offertory even if they have so many bills in their wallet or pocket. It’s a matter of faith. 
I have a solution for that. This is going to be very advantageous to you. I’m talking about Quick and Fast Credit Cooperative (QFFC). Why QFFC and how? In this C.H.R.I.S.T-centered cooperative your do not just get an opportunity to SAVE and EARN but also an automatic chance to SHARE. First, know that CHRIST stands for Cooperation, Humility, Respect, Integrity, Sense of Community and Honesty and Transparency. Because this is a cooperative born out of strong faith, Christ Jesus is the center f everything in this cooperative.

So how do you SAVE, EARN, and SHARE at QFCC? Simple: Be a member. The moment you become part of the “Christ-loving family” you start saving your money to the cooperative. That saving will get as high as 3% annual interest, so you earn. As a member you will automatically have a “Helping Hands” savings in the amount of P300. Such will be the source for financial assistance to co-members in time of hospitalization or death. But don’t worry, because only P5 will be taken during hospitalization and P10 for burial assistance.

Helping Hands saving has become the instant favorite of members who have the passion to serve and assist people in need. In fact, I’ve known a handful of them who joined right away because they like the concept. They fell in love with it quickly. Why not when you only have to shell out P300 and the amount will go a very long way? Your assistance to co-members in need will not come from your pocket anymore but from the QFC coffers. You give one time and you will be of help bigtime!

But it’s not only through the Helping Hands saving that you will be able to share your blessings. At QFCC, we tithe and donate at the same time. The amount will come from the monthly profit. Our donation will go to the Carmela Tadeo Foundation Inc. which supports a number of college scholars every year. These are scholars who come from destitute families in the country. That is all because QFCC believes in the power of education. 
So you see, at QFCC you save, earn, and share all at the same time. Because “Helping People Help Themselves” is its main advocacy!  

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