Thursday, May 15, 2014

Starting Young with QFCC

The future looks brighter for them because they start young.

How much do you love your child?

Infinite. Limitless. Boundless. Endless. Unlimited. In other words, you will do everything to see to it that your child is okay. We work hard for our family. Parents often say, they need to have a greener pasture because children are growing up so fast, and their needs have became expensive and many. No responsible parents who will not go the extra mile and not do the impossible just so their children will be comfortable and well taken cared of.

And responsible parenthood includes not only providing for their children’s needs at hand, but also anticipating those which are yet to come. They always prepare for the future. Speaking of which, that means saving for their children’s needs especially education and total well—being. This is why you need to open a savings account for your kids.

What if, God forbids, something will happen to you in a year or two? Or what if five years after, you will suddenly lose your job? Or what if your booming business will fall miserably? Have you prepared for all these possibilities? Can your children still be able to go to school even if all these will happen without you expecting it? Can they still have their basic needs then?

Because change is the only constant thing in the world, we all need to be prepared for any possibility. We all need to be like ants that gather their food while the weather is still bright, so that when rainy season comes, they could just relax in their kingdom and do not have to go out and get wet, to gather food and other supplies.

Welcome to Quick and Fast Credit Cooperative (QFCC) Kiddie and Youth Saving. This one is a long-term plan. Think about 10 years or more. Let’s say you have a six-year old kid. You open a savings account for that child TODAY, starting with an initial deposit of P100. But for it to earn 3% annual interest, make it P500 deposit right away. Then you deposit P1000 (P500 per payday) to it mothly. Imagine how much your savings by then by the time that child will enter college. Anyway, you can make withdrawals from that account anytime.

But what is beautiful really is you teach your children the value of saving for the future while they are still young. Meaning, discipline them financially by budgeting their allowance to school, like setting aside a certain amount daily for their Kiddie and Youth Saving. Then you can accompany them as they deposit their savings to their account weekly. So there, that’s starting them young.

Actually what happens at QFCC now is that parents open a Kiddie and Youth Saving for each of their children. They deposit a certain amount to that account monthly. The account name is that of their children, so whatever will happen to them in the future, their kids are assured of financial source which they can utilize to start up something for their own good. As of May 15, QFCC has 64 Kiddie and Youth depositors already.

QFCC is a CHRIST-centered cooperative. Meaning it stands for Cooperation, Humility, Respect, Integrity, Sense of Community and Honesty and Transparancy. As a cooperative that believes in “Helping People Help Themselves”, Jesus Christ is at the center of everything that it does. It follows the “10-20-70” Success Formula of well-renowned evangelizer Bo. Sanchez, meaning 10% of your income goes to the house of God as tithe, 20% goes to your savings and 70% for your expenses.

At QFCC 10% of the monthly profit shall go to the church as tithe, while another percentage will be donated to the Carmela Tadeo Foundation Inc., a scholarship foundation that sends poor but deserving college students as scholars. Remember, the more you give, the more you receive. At QFCC, the Save, Earn and Share flow happens for you naturally. The moment you become a member, you constantly attract more and more graces, because you yourself is a blessing to others.

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